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How to learn anything 10x faster

Here is the good news for you. It really doesn't matter whether you think you have a good memory or not, because it's a fact that you can train your brain to remember anything better, to learn faster and achieve mastery in anything you want in your life.

If you want to know how to learn anything 10x faster, then follow few simple steps what I am discussed in this article. I am assuring you that by the end of reading this article you obviously learn faster than ever. So let's start...

I am discussing 5 easy and simple steps. Please read this carefully and implement it in your life.

1. Focus on learning:

Nowadays people are doing multitasking. Just imagine you when you're reading a book, when you're watching a video, you have your phone nearby. And while you're reading, while you're learning, while you're understanding then the phone message goes on, there's a notification goes on. Then what do you do? Of course you attend to it, and when you attend to it, what happened? You killed your momentum. You messed up with the quality of input. Now here's the thing. Your quality of input determines the quality of retention, how well and how long. Can you remember anything what you just read? It also affects the quality of recall. 

For that my suggestion is if you are learning something, at least for the time when you're learning, you should not be doing multitasking. You have to do Single task, do one thing at one time. Pay 100% attention and stay away from distractions. That's the first tips of how to learn anything 10x faster.

2. Why are you learning:

Now many people are in the rush to learn new things which is good. But there has a problem. You also need to do ask yourself some questions. After you learn something pause for a while and ask yourself hey, What's you learnt from this thing? And how can I use this information in my life? How can I use this information in my work? When you pause, when you ask these questions, that's how learning solidifies. Otherwise it's all just wasted. 

3. Visualization:

Visualized what thing you just learn. We know that the brain remembers pictures better? That's the reason why we always say I've seen you somewhere. What's your name? Doesn't happen with you? Because that's the way the human brain works. 

So visualized what you read or learn.

4. Implement what you learnt: 

This is where the magic happens. unfortunately, many people miss out of this stage. If you get into the habit of just learning without implementation, you know what you get. You get illusion of competence. You feel you've learned it. You feel you're competent, but it's not competence at all because you haven't implemented. 

So my suggestion is that when you learn something, stop, Write down what you just learnt. Take a action on it.

5. Share what you learnt:

The last step is share what you learn from this new thing. You may hear this thing before, the best way to learn something is to teach it. Just share it with the people. Now if you don't want to teach, then just share it with your brother, sister, friends. 

You can just discuss it, but what happens is when you share things other people. What you're doing is, you're helping your brain to pay more attention and then you will be on your path to mastery. 

So, summary is that if you learn something, then make an output of your study by doing writing, visualization, sharing etc. Focus on output.

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